موقع ادس وينر من افضل المواقع للربح من الانترنت على المشاهدات فقط وليس النقر
اى انك بمجرد وضعك لاعلاناته فانت تضمن الربح من الموقع
كل ماعليك هو جلب الشفرة الخاصة بك ووضعها على موقعك
ويدفع مقابل ال 1000 مشاهدة 3 دولار تستطيع الحصول عليها من باى بال..
شرح الموقع بالفيديو
اتفاقية الموقع..
Dear Publisher ,
Have a nice day !
We will make payment for publishers on monday, 17 August, 2015.
First of all, I want to send my sincere thanks to all publishers using our services. We also want to send all my deep gratitude first 100 publishers reaching $3/ 1000 impressions for pop under, and $1/ 1000 impressions of banners.
Please check your payment account to make sure that it is completely correct and make a payment request. So, we can complete payment most correctly.
Have a nice day !
We will make payment for publishers on monday, 17 August, 2015.
First of all, I want to send my sincere thanks to all publishers using our services. We also want to send all my deep gratitude first 100 publishers reaching $3/ 1000 impressions for pop under, and $1/ 1000 impressions of banners.
Please check your payment account to make sure that it is completely correct and make a payment request. So, we can complete payment most correctly.
للاشتراك فى الموقع تفضل الرابط
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